2013-02-12 - Pimmit Hills Loop


~3 miles @ ~9.5 min/mi

At 0530 on a chill Tuesday morning colleague Kristin and I recap our run of last week but with an extension around the parking lot to reach 3.0 miles by the GPS and to see where the hole in the hedge is to reach the ballfields in Scotts Run Community Park. At the start I lend Kristin my gloves. In turn, "Watch out for the puddle!" she warns me, and I thankfully dodge dipping a foot into the pothole that caught me last week. The Garmin GPS gives splits of 9:56 + 9:48 + 9:33, a nice descending pace that agrees with the Runkeeper app. A rabbit scampers into the bushes as we finish.

^z - 2013-02-24